Performance Fabric Options That Provide Peace of Mind

Keeping surfaces clean is vital to protecting our health and the health of our loved ones. Using easy-to-clean fabrics and fabrics with anti-microbial properties adds a level of protection that can help keep homes clean and healthy. With this in mind, we recommend the following fabric options that provide peace of mind, especially in these challenging times.


NuLeather Vinyl

NuLeather has been engineered with the highest quality polycarbonate resins and is designed with the maximum strength and durability required for most demanding environments. NuLeather has antibacterial properties that inhibit the spread of most germs. Additionally, these vinyl fabrics are bleach cleanable (5:1 ratio of water to bleach), which provides an added disinfecting solution for peace of mind. With color options galore, you’re sure to find the perfect shade for your project. We also have additional upcoming vinyl introductions that will fall into this category — stay tuned.

Want to explore our selection of performance fabrics that help keep homes healthy and clean? Browse our collections online or contact any of our showrooms to get started.